Thursday, July 4, 2013

Who Is This "Baba Ganoush" Character, Anyway?

So... Nate and I thought it would be really smart and fabulous to follow up our big wedding day with...

(no, not a fetus) Mom...

(no, not another cat)  For gosh sakes', people...

(no, not a dog, though that is coming soon)

... a really old RV full of inspiring potential and terrible surprises!  And her name is "Baba Ganoush!"

Best fishing spot on our way to St Petersburg

Doesn't she look innocent?  Hah!

We bought her less than two months after the wedding, from a family of "Bulganadians," as we are now calling them, since they are Bulgarian Canadians (see their blog at for their whole amazing story!): Mira, Ivo, Vic, and Maya would have certainly been our closest friends, had they not been coming just as we were going... but we are certain our paths will cross again in the future!

Anyway, we bought "Baba G," as we have taken to calling her, and we are still in love with her and excited about all the places she will take us, even though she has been torturing us a bit, as of late.

She is an older girl (1988), though she has a 2007 engine (or we wouldn't have even considered hitching our future to her)... and she has been dinged up a bit by previous owners (before Ivo and Mira!), so she had exactly four spots leaking on the roof.

We knew this, going in.

We just didn't really GET IT.

So, as it turns out, roof leakage is the WORST thing that can happen to an RV.

But, luckily for us, we have great "Google Fu" and found the one product that can fix what ails our girl: Eternabond Tape!  This is what it looks like:

It's basically a really goopy, gray putty attachment surface on the bottom with a slick white surface on the top (water beads off it!).  The problem is that you are supposed to prep the HELL out of your RV before you can apply it.  So, for four long, hot, humid, scorchingly sunny days, we have prepped... and prepped... and PREPPED...

And, at last, on July 3rd (yes, that is two days after we were supposed to already have been at the Solar Ark in New Mexico...), we started to lay the tape:

 And, now, on the 4th of July, we have taped all four sides!

Woo Hoo!

OK, so what's up with the tarp, you astute readers ask.  (Damn you, astute readers.)

Yeah, so we still need to finish taping the vents, skylight in the shower, etc... which is not happening tonight, as there are steaks coming off the grill in mere minutes, and we (I) have already had a few Painkillers.

No, I don't have a pill problem,

Here is the recipe for Painkillers, the official drink of the US Virgin Islands:

  • 2 parts orange juice
  • 1 part pineapple juice
  • 1/2 part cream of coconut (Coco Lopez, etc.)
  • 2 parts golden or dark rum (we like Flor de Cana!)
  • Freshly grated (microplaned, really) nutmeg
  • 1/2 Key lime or one wedge Persian lime

Mix rum and juices and pour over a full glass of ice.  Microplane nutmeg on top and squeeze in the lime (then drop the whole thing in: you want those lime oils!).

Enjoy and join us for our next update:  Hitting the Road!

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